Why And How To Develop Psychic Seduction Abilities.

By Tomas : 7 min read · Aug 28, 2024
Why And How To Develop Psychic Seduction Abilities. picture

For thousands of years, wise people in every generation have been contemplating how to have fulfilling and long-lasting romances in their lives.

Many have gone around the globe looking for magic spells to fullfill the cries of their souls to no avail.

Yet there are those who look within themselves and find answers to their romantic challenges.

They end up finding out that we are all by nature souls and can connect soulfully in ways that can solve most of our romantic dilemmas.

In this post,i want to encourage you to look within and develop your psychic seduction abilities (for abilities (for communication abilities) because this is where most of your romantic answers are to be found.

Without wasting any of your time.

Let's dive in!

First things first let's roll back the times…

Understand the Creative Process of Psychic Seduction.

Close your eyes and imagine that you are sitting in a grand concert hall…

The year is 1762, and the hall is a large and beautiful hall in Europe.

It is full of wealthy people dressed in beautiful and fancy clothes.

On the stage is a large orchestra of musicians, playing the most beautiful music you have ever heard.

You can’t believe how beautiful the music is!

After the orchestra is finished, everyone jumps to their feet and claps in loud applause, including you.

It’s a magnificent show!

Then, to your surprise, the composer of the music comes on stage.

He is a young teenager and is only twelve years old!

His name is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756–1791).

Wondering how he got to that level, you decide to read his biography and discover his father had started teaching him how to play when he was only two years old.

You find out Mozart was passionate beyond his father’s expectations — that some days his father had to beg him to go to sleep — that he wrote his first piece of music at age five and learned how to play the harpsichord, the piano, the organ, and the violin.

Developing psychic seduction abilities may not be as grand as Mozart’s musical genius, but the proficiency that comes with developing them needs a certain level of obsession.

You have to practice quite a lot to become proficient.

You sure need to have that obsession that a bodybuilder has when building their body!

The creative process of developing psychic seduction abilities involves focusing first on getting a good grip on the basics, which are easy to master once you know them.

Basics, such as:

-Active visualization
-Breathing Properly 
-Dynamic envisioning
-Psychic Carressing/Touches
- Intuition

All these you must get a grip on before you can even think about mastering some advanced psychic seduction abilities, such as:

1.Developing psychic rapport in minutes-detail to experience a true soul-to-soul connection
2.Learning to talk telepathically
3.Learning your unique symbolic language 
4.Having romantic non-local romantic outings
5.Building all kinds of sex toys and 
6.Bringing a target to mind-blowing orgams in real time.

So on and so forth.

There are many advanced techniques that one develops as their psychic seduction abilities keep evolving.

You just need to go through the process.

Mozart couldn’t write a classic of his own without mimicking other great composers well into a decade of his music career.

You have to follow your unique creative process, and you sure don’t have to wait for a long time to see results!

This is an ideal, and an ideal is always how things normally play out to achieve proficiency.

Developing psychic seduction abilities is a process that will take you through many evolutions, and you must always be willing to endure them because your psychic potential is laying dormant there.

Avoid information overload.

In this day and age, information is everywhere; you can read all literature, but without good relevant sources of information and expert advice, it’s very difficult to separate wheat from chaff.

You can read about pitfalls to expect and advantages but still fail to reach a coherent understanding about psychic seduction abilities because you don’t have a good foundation about how things connect to progress.

This is one of the problems that held me back quite a lot in my beginner years.

I read a lot of information that helped me, but I also read a lot of information that took my evolution on longer detours that took me years before I could figure shit out.

Information is good, especially about the mind, the soul, and the cosmos.

Most of my basic knowledge about human potential in relation to psychic seduction comes from William Walker Atkinson and Amargi Hillier.

I also learned a lot from Napoleon Hill about the brain being like a transmitter and receiver of psychic information.

These are the teachers who taught me a lot about my psychic potential; however, because of my intensive nature, I ended up acquiring a lot of information that not only brought confusion but stagnation.

I ended up overloaded with information and confused to no end.

It was like I was jumping from grade 1 to grade 7 and back to grade 0.

No wonder some of it didn’t make sense at all until later in my evolution.

You must avoid information overload at all costs!

It’s hard if you are an intense person like me, but trust me, it’s not a good strategy to jump from one piece of information to the next without firm understanding and implementation.

You have to choose one technique/application and work around it; experiment and find information on this site; book a consultation with me if you need it.

Stick with what works for you until it becomes second nature.

Don’t read and experiment with many techniques because you end up confusing yourself without taking any strides forward!

Avoiding information overload doesn’t mean don’t read other sources of information; it means knowing who and what to learn from.

Later, you can patch up other bits into a coherent psychic seduction application that resonates with you.

Quality Practicing Over Quantity.

“It’s not practice that makes you perfect. It’s quality practicing.”

So goes the cliché…

A man can swing a baseball bat all night, but if his mind is not in it, he is likely to keep missing the ball and waste a lot of his time and energy; hence, practicing long hours without quality practice is a losing game.

Developing psychic seduction abilities is not about long sessions; it’s about deciding what to focus on to progress.

You don’t get to psychically project powerful psychic information without going out of your way to understand how state control works and the psychic dynamics at play.

You can run up and down trying to build muscles, but without heavy weights, you cannot build them.

Weights build muscles; running builds stamina.

You must focus where you know you lack and develop from there until you know you are fairly good.

You move two steps forward and look back and find out where you are failing.

Work on that stumbling block and keep moving.

Forums and reading can do so much;this site cannot do much when you don’t have a quality practicing routine.

Learning from both stagnation and progress.

You learn more when you stagnate than when you progress.

Progress is sometimes shrouded in stagnation, because when you stagnate, you get to figure out where you do things wrong.

You struggle, get curious, and sometimes get angry because you thought you had everything figured out; find a way and progress.

There is always a way in one or the other because psychic seduction abilities are part of your design; your soul knows more about them than you do.

Keep moving; stagnation is there to push you forward!

Progress is also key. It gives you reference experiences to weigh your progress and pumps your psychic confidence.

When you get positive feedback, you develop more momentum to make your evolution far easier.

The only way forward is by learning from both.

Detect every kind of feedback, whether it’s stagnation or progress.

Detect what you did right and where you messed up, adjust accordingly, and keep learning by challenging your limitations.

Embrace developing from stagnation because it is inevitable that you will stagnate before you can see any noticeable progress (not all the time).

Sometimes the cosmos plays her cards in ways that are not yet in alignment with yours.

Understand this.

It’s just a phase.

We all experience stagnation sometimes.

In no time, you reach a breakthrough.

Developing your psychic seduction abilities is a journey that very few embark on, and those who do eventually unlock the secret to their romantic answers.

You must learn from all your experiences.

The good and the bad.

The failures and the successes.

Confusions and illuminations.

The only way to learn from your experiences is by running self-diagnostics and finding out what works (for you) and what doesn’t.

So you must allow yourself to go through many aha moments.

Keep an open mind and don’t be too hard when you stagnate; it’s part and parcel of the game, and don’t let progress blind you from learning from it.

Writing A Journal.

Preaching the importance of journaling is worth the emphasis because i neglected it and delayed my progress as I kept repeating the same mistakes over and over because I did not journal.

Therefore, it’s imperative to write down everything worthwhile as you keep everything.

I honestly have learned so much just by putting things on “paper.”

I can go as far as to claim that when I started journaling, my progress skyrocketed!

I also found sharing progress with others to be of great help.

It’s a good move because it’s where you share with people who are better than you and get corrected when you do something wrong, which benefits you even more.

You get to learn from their successes and failures.

Learn from other people; some may resonate more with you if you can’t understand my way of teaching.

A Few Other Tips For Writing Good Feedback.

Write down how a session unfolded and be as detailed as possible.

Write down what…

Techniques/applications you use, why you use them, and why you think they work in this type of seduction.

Is it appropriate for this seduction/courtship?

Is there any new psychic information?

What about that unique symbolic language that keeps showing up?

Can I decipher it?

You ask such questions.

By writing it down, you acknowledge its wisdom, amplify its influence if it’s good, develop it more, and discharge and discard it if it’s bad.

You can’t change what you don’t want to acknowledge!

Reflect and jot down what doesn’t work and why you believe it doesn’t work.

I was guilty of ignoring this very important step.

It’s not only hard work that brings proficiency. It’s quality practicing that does.

Journaling is a catalyst that can help you to evolve faster.

It can be boring at first to keep a journal, but trust me, it is one of the tools that you must keep in your arsenal to evolve faster.

Let’s Patch This Up!

If you find that psychic seduction can work for you and solve most of your romantic dilemmas, what you should focus (basics) at first:

• Develop basic psychic seduction application/technique that resonates with you until you master it.

You do better by developing the basics of your chosen technique and branching from there to invent an advanced psychic seduction technique of your own.

You can download my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Read information that helps you develop a strong knowledge base about psychic seduction abilities on this site and avoid gathering too much information without proper experimentation and implementation.

• When experimenting, try to observe feedback — which approach worked, which didn’t, and the reasons why you failed or succeeded. When you have no answer to a problem, keep moving; it will eventually come.

• Journal everything to keep yourself from stagnating; nothing is too small to ignore because it could be the key that you need to get to the next level, and lastly.

Enjoy the process. You have to go through a lot of stripping off to get to the storehouse of your psychic nuclear-powered self.

Let the mention of a genius like Mozart not fret you; it’s because inspiring stories tend to paint a far clearer picture.

You sure have to practice hard, but not as hard as Mozart because his creative process is just an ideal.

However, everyone tends to learn better when they are inspired.

Acquire information, practice, prove it, and keep experimenting!

Learn to let go of too many expectations; some things are beyond our control.

Accept the pace of your soul’s evolution and let the forces of the cosmos walk side by side with you.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

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