With Great Power Comes Greater Responsibility |Psychic Seduction.

By Tomas : 11 min read Updated · Aug 28, 2024
With Great Power Comes Greater Responsibility |Psychic Seduction. picture

People have been articulating the idea that power comes with responsibility for at least a couple thousand years.

You can see shades of it in Christianity’s Parable of the Faithful Servant, in which Jesus tells his disciples that a servant placed in charge of the household shouldn’t take advantage of their master’s absence by carousing and mistreating the other servants.

In Spider-Man, Uncle Ben cautions young Peter Parker to use his unimaginable powers at his fingertips with great care and harness, because with great power comes greater responsibility.

Voltaire, the French author, first coined the phrase “with great power comes great responsibility,” only to have it trusted into mainstream memetics globally.

Power corrupts character and greater power even more.

In this piece, I touch on practicing the power of psychic seduction to benefit you instead of using it to stagnate your soul’s evolution and, in the process, swirl in self sabotaging psychic entanglements that can destroy your life.

Without further ado, let’s dive in!

Psychic Cording In Psychic Seduction.

Whenever you connect psychically with a target, your psychic cords begin to intertwine in higher dimensions.

These cords, or ties, or ribbons or webs, as they are also known, can be likened to psychic cords.

Think of psychic cords as psychic strings that allow psychic information to flow in both directions; they are webs of cords that connect us psychically no matter the distance.

They are conduits that let us know how a target feels and can develop to such a level where we can end up having fully blown non locale psychic connections.

When these cords develop to high degrees it can be hard to disengage for both involved.

This is great if the connection is positive and you wish to develop it more.

However, psychic cords can be draining when you are fusioned in an unhealthy “psychic entanglement.”

Some psychic connections are highly therapeutic, but others can end up being very destructive.

It’s important to decide early on whether to develop these psychic connections with a target that you wish to have something more with, be it a long-term relationship or with the aim of getting married.

You must also decide early on if you want to connect to have and fling so you can know your limitations.

#1. When you develop psychic connections your mind, soul, and body get entangled with those of the target, which can lead to a state of complete oneness overtime.

#2. The more you connect, the deeper the connection and the deeper the exchange of psychic information.

#3. You even find yourself resonating with their moods without even realizing it.

#4. Craving the type of food they crave.

#5. Thinking about the same future.

#6. Thinking and expecting them to suddenly call or post something and to have this confirmed by 3D feed be it synchronicities or irrefutable facts.

#7. Having psychic sex where you are merged in oneness.

So on and so forth.

Sometimes, if the cords are really intertwined, you can even sense them when they are having sex with someone else.

Just yesterday, I was busy doing some work around 2 a.m. when I suddenly sensed a target i connect with thinking about me while having sex with her boyfriend.

She kept calling his name, but all the time she was fantasizing about my psychic dick rubbing her pussycat.

With Great Power Comes Greater Responsibility.

Just like getting into a relationship with someone who doesn’t reciprocate your investments, practicing psychic seduction can turn your life upside down when you try to develop a psychic connection with someone who keeps resisting your psychic advances.

I have over the years experienced some dark experiences through this, and I ended up tormenting myself.

There were targets that I developed connections with who later resisted me psychically, and I became obsessed with winning them over, which eventually turned my life upside down for the worst and my life become on a stand still.

I couldn’t focus on anything other than by passing their resistance which only led to more and more attachments.

As much as it is good to have this power, it requires discipline and great responsibility to not just fuse with anyone.

Pay attention to whom you share your psychic energy with!

These cords can intertwine deeply, and it can become an uphill task to untangle once you are caught in their webs!

How To Choose The Right Target.

Just recently, I was psychically connecting with a target who is one of my tenants for about a week of short sessions and who I know is into me.

However, my intuition is alerting me she is sleeping with multiple guys, and I have decided to stop connecting with her.

I also notice when I psychically connect with her, I tend to be drained and unproductive.

Having said that connecting with the wrong target psychically is inevitable, we do become entangled in these psychic webs that consume our souls and distract us from evolving.

Our sense of priorities becomes warped-we end up giving far too much importance to these entanglements because we are not
handling them well.

If we are not careful, we carry these patterns over to the next phase of our soul evolutions; in such cases, the problems can be dire.
So the next time you think about connecting with a target, keep in mind, they must be reciprocating and high-value people psychically because you will be merging with their soul.

Obviously, there is no mythical person who is always highly vibrational, but you do better to select a target who elevates your vibration.

A target that you won’t resist for too long.

A target that is in alignment with you.

A target that doesn’t have too much psychic debris with multiple partners and past trauma.

These days, I am super selective as to who I can connect with because I can locate a target and remotely view them over a few days. Then decide if they are worthy.

These are powerful connections that I don’t take lightly or disrespect!

I know it feels good to drive a target voraciously with desire, but if you practice this power on just about anyone, they leave psychic debris, which can choke your vibration.

If you practice it on a target that is:

* Pessimistic
* Unstable
* Depressive 
* Negative
* Unspiritual 
* Not reciprocating etc

That psychic debris slows you down in your pursuits of excellence in other areas of life and can end up spiking a whirlpool of low-vibrational thinking.

When you practice psychic seduction on a target who is highly vibrational, be it:

* Optimistic 
* Spiritual 
* Confident 
* Ambitious 
* Positive and 
* Reciprocating

Those wonderful psychic energies get shared and uplift your vibration.

You end up finding yourself inspired to chase your dreams more, develop your chakra system and access a real psychic connection.

Symbolic Language Of Cord Development.

You know that you are developing psychic cords when you “see” “webs” or “strong robes.”.

Your intuition can present a snowball that keeps culminating, i.e. you are getting intertwined more and more.

You are both somewhere and you sense their desire to connect and your intuition presence elements that show the process of bonding like a thick paste that mixes into a strong solution i.e the cords are intertwining.

You connect and merge, and suddenly your intuition presents both of you riding a horse and you being in control, i.e. the cords are developing and there is strong psychic resonance.

So on and so forth.

I must make it clear that, based on my intuition and those of others, yours might present it in your own personal internal “vocabulary.”

Having said that, as they keep getting intertwined, intuition keeps updating how it presents this language and lets you know every step of the way what’s happening.

I have this post on symbolic language in psychic seduction.

Check it out to understand it better if you haven’t, lest I cause some confusion here.

That aside, below are the 5 main signs that you are developing strong psychic cords with your target, and caution must be taken.

1.You Can’t Get Them Out Of Your Mind.

This is an obvious one. They become your drug of obsession.

You suddenly have sexual fantasies that you know deep down are not yours.

On some level, their energy is with you because psychic information is flowing back and forth between the two of you.

2.You Feel Connected On A Deeper Level.

The stronger they intertwine, the more you obsess over them.

When you practice psychic seduction, connections differ.

Sometimes you can connect with a target and you connection may not lead to a strong soul-to-soul connection.

Other times, there may be a unique feeling about a certain target.

3.Their Psychic Signature Feels Familiar.

You may feel a connection that leaves you with “aha moments-that elusive connection that we all search for.

When you connect with this target, their psychic signature feels incredible familiar, and if you are already advanced psychically, you find they have a similar vocabulary as you, even the same choice of wording.

You may feel that they understand you on a deeper level; even your “love-making” language may be similar.

They just sound familiar-their voice, laughter, etc.

For a healthy, soul-to-soul union, this can be a wonderful feeling!

However, the pendulums can swing quickly if this doesn’t translate into something in 3D.

4.You Have Lucid Dreams About Then That Feel Real.

This is why i encourage you to “manifest” your psychic connections to the 3D so you don’t end up experiencing resistance, because, trust me, if it’s only in higher dimensions, you both end up resisting the connection because it’s too powerful.

This often happens, as you may tend to have ultra-realistic dreams about your target that you simply can’t get out of your head.

Sometimes, upon waking up, you may smell their energy as if they were really there with you.

You can even feel the warmth of where they were sleeping in your bed.

It’s a big sign there may be a connection in higher dimensions that manifest in your dreams.

This is weird, but totally normal.

5.You Feel “imprinted” By Them.

One time, I fell head over heels in love with someone, and we ended up living together while we were states apart.

I knew when she was asleep, awake, her moods, foods she craved, her level of sexual excitement etc.

We were like a married couple in higher dimensions, and we ended up entangled really deeply; we both had no way to disengage yet we knew without a doubt we are in love.

I started running from the connection, and she started chasing vice versa until we merged even more to only run away from the connection.

We both ended up imprinting each other in ways that made us feel how true love is.

Practicing psychic seduction imprints a person’s soul (a post for another day); this is what makes it doubly potent.

These feelings last forever!

5 Steps for De-Cording a Negative Connection

When you imprint each other you never forget each other forever.

When psychic cording starts to overhaul your life, it’s better to stop practicing for a while.

I know it is easier said than done because there is nothing as addictive as being psychically linked with a target you really like.

When you find yourself really attached, you can try the five steps below.

They will help you to detach and help you to evolve as a soul.

I chose only these because they work for me, but there are plenty that you can try that can resonate with you.

5 Steps for De-Cording A Negative Connection.

1. Make Room For Meditation.

Get into a relaxed meditative state by focusing on your breath and relaxing your body from head to toe.

It really takes a moment to do this.

You can follow a guided meditation from a mindfulness app if you want help.

The calmer and more focused you are, the more successful this practice will be.

Now access the abundance frequency range and vibrate within it for 5 minutes.

You keep repeating abundance, abundance, abundance.

This will help you realize that the cosmos is full of abundance and there is no reason to overly attach.

Exercise is one of my favourites, as I get to detox from all the psychic debris.

Every time i go to the gym obsessing over a target, I tend to come back with new positive energy and not obsessing as before.

You can choose any exercise of your choice.

3. Visualize ‘cutting’ The Cord.

I personally lift weights to keep myself psychically balanced.

See yourself holding anything that cuts (scissors, a sword, a knife, whatever comes to mind). Say “I release you” and visualize the cord being cut.

4. Create A Visualization-Protective psychical Barrier.

By doing this you develop a state of letting go and the ability to a connection that is not conducive to your evolution.

When I find myself obsessing a lot, I develop an egged-shaped, thin, impermeable layer of psychic energy surrounding me.

5. Learn to Decipher Psychic Information.

I find that it helps to keep them away when they are trying to enter my psychic field.

They try and find my psychic walls find which helps me to detach and learn how to be more in control of my field.

Lastly, but not least, this one is probably the one that can give you good psychic feedback and help you find a lot of answers to your questions.

When you connect psychically, you get to decipher psychic information, and this psychic information needs you to dive in to decipher what it means, and this needs you to dive in to seek answers in your soul.

Take out your notepad, which I encourage you to have, and start connecting dots of information in your repertoire.

By doing this simple procedure, you release a lot of psychic clouds and get to see more of this new reality.

Having said that, you must keep applying these techniques when you attach a lot to experience their benefits.

With time, your levels of attaching go down drastically as you gain balance and learn to manage your inner world, so to speak.

Wrap Up.

When you stay connected with a target with whom you are locked in a negative pattern, both sides are usually perpetuating the connection.

It becomes super draining for both parties involved.

As you accumulate unwanted psychic energies in your daily life, like ants coming into the dinner table, you go around collecting debris on your psychic bodies until you finally do something to get rid of them.

If you are practicing psychic seduction consistently, then you must always have a routine to get rid of psychic debris that you accumulate in your connections.

Respect the power for your own good and know that whomever you psychically connect with can develop a psychic link that can last a lifetime.

Do you want them for something serious or a fling?

Decide so that you can know how far you can throw your psychic seduction claws because you don’t want to be psychically connected with someone you don’t have genuine appreciation forever if you only see them as someone to have a fling with.

Heck! with this power comes far, far greater responsibility.

I can attest to this.

Choose wisely and let the cosmos prove true love resides in these flimsy streets.

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

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