You Are Psychic By Nature|Psychic Seduction

By Tomas:8 min · Aug 26, 2024
You Are Psychic By Nature|Psychic Seduction picture

This one is going to go deeper into your psychic abilities.

Get a quiet spot as you are about to sip from this cup of sacred knowledge.

Lately, I have been reading a lot of literature on mythology across different cultures. Among the authors I am drinking from is the inspirational teacher Joseph_Campbell (1904–1987), and his best offerings, "Star Wars and A Hero with a Thousand Faces, are great books he released in the 1940s.

"The myth is the secret opening through which the INEXHAUSTIBLE ENERGIES OF THE COSMOS POUR INTO Human Cultural Management. . . ."

Joseph Campbell

The word myth has a bad reputation in modern society.

We take it to mean made-up or a false belief or idea, yet the original meaning is a story of the supernatural, something that explains or reveals hidden truths.

In Greek mythology, we have the all-mighty Zeus wielding lightning bolts as his weapon to punish evil-doers.

Oh, let me not forget that he becomes invisible when a rare beauty is within his vicinity.

Many of Zeus triumphs using psychic abilities are depicted in myths like:

ALKMENE (Alcmena): A lady of Thebes in Boiotia (central Greece) who was seduced by Zeus in the form of her own husband. She bore twins: Herakles by Zeus and Likymnios by her husband, Amphitryon.

ANTIOPE A lady of Thebes in Boiotia (central Greece) who was seduced by Zeus in the shape of Satyros. She bore him twin sons, Amphion and Zethos, who were exposed at birth.

DANAE A princess of Argos (central Greece) was imprisoned by her father in a bronze tower. Zeus seduced her in the form of a golden shower, and she gave birth to a son, the hero Perseus.

Literally every single fantasy: power, romance, prestige, recognition, revelation, loyal comrades, and seduction; a prince slaying the dragons to save a princess in damsel distress—it's all right there in mythology globally and depicting powerful psychic abilities.

Myths across many cultures depict one universal truth about our nature: We are psychic, and our souls can perform every kind of so-called supernatural feat. 

Since the beginning of time, in every culture and race, we have sought ways to experience lifetime connections with our partners to ensure long-lasting love. 

How about you? Do you believe you can use your psychic abilities to sort out your romantic aspirations? 

Our Call To Dive Within Is Innate.

The supernatural world is a fascination that we all dwell in, but we choose to call these experiences mere fantasies.

All of us hear of extraordinary happenings, and some of them are so uncanny that we leave no doubt that they are happening.

Is it normal for us to fantasize about being limitless and psychic?

Is it even a fact that we have psychic abilities?

What do you think?

Let's look at India, a land where stories of psychic abilities seem almost ordinary. Tales of supernatural occurrences float out of local villages:

#1: Yogis, who can lie in roaring fires.

#2: healers who can cure the sick with a single touch.

#3: Sufi shrines that ward off bad spirits and Hindu holy men who live for decades without a single drop of water or crumb of food.

#4: What about the story of Jesus walking on water? Matthew 14:22–34, Mark 6:45–53, and John 6:15–21.

#5: From Superman to Spiderman, Wonder Woman to Black Panther, our culture is captivated by their incredible psychic abilities.

The idea of having psychic abilities and making the world a far better place for ourselves may seem far-fetched, but it taps into our core, which knows no boundaries.

Are miracles from an unknowable source or simply the awakening of our psychic abilities?

Are these abilities demonic? Maybe works of the devil?

Maybe maybe?

The Disconnect from Our Nativity.

In our modern societies, psychic abilities are relegated to a low realm of thought projection, where we vilify everyone who develops them as being influenced by demonic entities, and they are surrounded by all kinds of myths and superstitions. In fact, all the mystery and repulsion come from the disconnect from our true nature.

Believing in the soul is what led me to start learning more about psychic abilities and how I can teach this information to like-minded people, help clear up superstitions and mysteries that surround them, tap into their core, define the kinds of "ways" that lead to them, and understand how they can be awakened and developed because the veil is only imaginary.

Practices such as meditation and psychic seduction do unlock psychic abilities because they activate the parts of our human systems that awaken them.

When we practice any of these practices, we bring holistic thinking that balances out the right and left hemispheres of our brain, which develops our chakra systems and unlocks cosmic consciousness.

In meditation and psychic seduction, our thoughts and responses to both internal and external stimuli become clear, which results in better-performing, more integrated thinking that optimizes both mental and psychic vitality. In essence, this is where we start becoming psychically attuned.

This way of living is best suited to the reality of what life is because life is not only in 3D; it's psychical. 

The more psychic you become, the more you realize the fabrics that connect us all are psychic, and they can be deciphered, channeled, and programmed.

When we look at some of the greatest achievements and discoveries in history, most of them can be attributed to the mastery of these "hidden selves" and the unlocking of psychic abilities.

Masters like Leonardo Da Vinci,Wolfgang_Amadeus_Mozart,AleisterCrowley,Webster Leadbeater,and others all attribute their "talents" to these latent mythical psychic abilities and soul archetypes.

Psychic abilities play out in different ways, but they are from the same source. You sure use them, albeit to a lesser degree.

• When you are about to take a journey and feel like a certain ancestor, higher self, or "God" is telling you to avoid doing A and Z

• There are people who get glimpses of the future and the past; heck, they read signs of the cosmos.

• In your personal life, in some instances, they manifest because of an example that seems to start a kind of emotional affinity: where you start psychically feeling what others are feeling over short and long distances—telepathy. It could be a spouse, your child, or anyone you have a strong bond with.

I coach students who tell me they start having a similar consciousness as their partners or a special someone, which ends up happening.

They may start getting emotional and angry for no reason.They get kisses and hugs out of thin air, as if they are being courted by ethereal lovers of some sort.

• Psychic abilities can also express themselves when you exude a lot of psychic magnetism that causes people to fall under your spell and do your bidding without conscious effort on your part.

So on and on...

In all these aha moments, it's as if we are now flooded by light from the world around us and suddenly exposed to our psychically powered selves. We become more intuitive and psychic, which is invaluable as we get to prove we are indeed powerful.

If you are still doubtful, let me remind you that every human being, without exception, as well as many animals, are naturally endowed with psychic abilities, especially psychic abilities about seduction and becoming victories in our quest to survive.

Allow me to share a story below that I received from a reader of this site that I believe can shed some light on how psychic seduction abilities work in mating games.

I stumbled upon psychic seduction by accident, really. There is someone I love deeply, and we were not able to be together for various reasons. We had never really spoken in detail about our feelings, though our feelings for each other were there. After making that observation, I fell more deeply in love and wanted to make this connection a reality.

One night, it occurred to me to try to reach out to them with my psychic abilities, and the next thing I knew, I was in their apartment, and they were looking at me a little confused but welcoming. We almost immediately burst open and poured light into each other through our connection, and it actually seemed like a fantasy in the movie. We both experienced soulful bliss and were left stunned.

After a few short moments of that connection, I "snapped out of it" and was back to my 3D reality.

Since then, we started visiting each other in this way more and more often, and the experiences were more sexual in nature, though not always. The escalation in intensity, duration, and frequency increased threefold. Also, there was more apparent intent coming from both of us as we were learning more and experimenting with the possibilities.

It was very exciting and fun, but also unsettling because I didn't know if these experiences were happening until, by chance, we met again in 3D reality, and our connection was proven beyond doubt.

I didn't go that far to give up, so I said, Let me do it one more time, and we ended up having a 3D relationship. It's when we started dating that I got the answers I was seeking.

It wasn't a fantasy!

Tapping into these psychic 
abilities makes plumming through this life a lot better because if you can develop a psychic connection with your lover, it means you can begin to understand them at a soul level where you can fulfill most of their soulful desires in ways that no one can even begin to.

If you continue to tap into your soul, other abilities end up awakening, like:

• Spiritual Consciousness 
• Emotional Understanding 
• Remote viewing
• Self-hypnosis 
• Creating psychic protection shields
• Astral Sex
• Telepathic Sex
• Telekinesis
• Developing a Powerful Chakra System 
• Developing Sexual Magnetism 

The list goes on and so forth.

Think of developing your psychic abilities as a return to your radical, deep core as a human who connects to and maintains a magnificent continuity with their nativity in a modern form.

Our modern world may be different, but the human in you cries for your soul's expression. It's in your power to learn, adapt, and evolve to whatever challenge you face.

My motto is simple: What any human can do or has done, we all can do in relation to our psychic abilities.


Perhaps the most exciting aspect of psychic development is the new relationships you develop with the world around you.

You get an increased range of awareness; you begin perceiving subtle positive and negative energies that may have been beyond your normal senses; and you find new riches in your interactions with people and other levels of psychic realities. 

You realize the vastness of "creation" and how little we know about who we are and what is out there.

Oh boy, so much wonder and mystery out there!

Psychic abilities in the higher
levels are a mix of the intuitive and the
rational, the conscious, and the
unconscious, the "human," and the "animal." The right and left hemispheres. The logical and the mythical.

Don't be afraid. The cosmos itself is walking beside you as you walk deeper into the secret chambers of your psychic abilities.

Once you accept and live with this level of psychic attunement, you become powerful, especially in dating since this site is focused on psychic seduction.

You know you have the power to attune to your target, help them evolve, seduce them psychically, and let give you access to their inner castle.

Every psychic ability you desire to cultivate, you can develop with a more structured and holistic approach.

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

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