Exclusive* 4-months holistic one on one coaching program

Exclusive* 4-months holistic one on one coaching program picture

I am offering an exclusive* 4-months holistic coaching program to develop you into a master psychic seduction practitioner and cosmic soul.

If you want to...
► Develop Unmatched Magnetism. 
► Learn To Remotely View Your Target Properly 
► Unlock Your God/Goddess State To Seduce anyone powerfully. 
► Tap Into The Inner Reservoirs Of Your Soul
► Heal Your Past Trauma

Then what I am offering is for you.

This Course Is For Men And Women

Who Want To...

►Become Powerful Souls who exude irresistible sexual magnetism and have irresistible psychic seduction potency.  

►Are ready to put in the effort to take charge for their evolution.

Over these four months, you’ll learn how to...

1.Breath properly through different techniques to help you to ease Into the practice Of psychic seduction 

2. Heal past regressions by practicing secret meditation techniques to remove psychic debris that can stall your soul's evolution. 
3. Work your chakra system to supercharge your psychic influences and open the doors to the sacred chambers of your soul. 
4. How to visualize properly during Sessions 
5.To achieve complete oneness with your target where you can know how they feel and want to be pleasured in minute details.
6.Psychically seduce any target like a "God/Goddess" that you will become.

Your psychic potency and the dating life you want are possible when you believe!


► 4-month holistic coaching to completely develop and up-level your psychic seduction potential and become the master psychic seduction practitioner you can be.

► Daily coaching for 1 hour sessions for 4 months with me (via Discord, Telegram, and Email)(Time schedules to be negotiated).

► Weekly Reviews(Skype):We Review Everything About Your Progress.

► Exercises to Develop Accountability and Momentum. 

► Clearly Outlined Exercises for You to Complete Each Week.

► Exclusive information about soul evolutions,  psychic abilities, psychic seduction, and free advanced knowledge about these sacred connections.

Foundation Of Psychic Seduction (Week 1). 

►Locate your state of power and create a powerful foundation for your psychic seduction abilities through various proper breathing techniques.

Simple To Advanced Visualization Techniques (Week 2).

► Learn unlimited techniques to choose from that immediately improve your active visualization potential, tactile touch and dynamic envisioning.

Develop Intuition(Week 3).

►Secret Information about Intuition(ancient)
►Excercises to develop Intuition properly

(Develop intuition in a holistic manner that can enrich your overall life.)

Heal Past Regressions (Weeks 4 and 5).

►Sessions where you learn to tap into the memories of the past(simple yet effective techniques)

► Learn to tap into the dark chambers of your soul to heal your past trauma.

►Techniques to heal and rechannel them.

► Develop a simple, powerful, and therapeutic routine with your soul.

Chakra Work(6,7,8)

► Deep dive into the chakras and how they work.
► Techniques to Develop Every Chakra To Its Maximum Potential To supercharge Your Psychic Seduction Potency.
► Unlock Your God/Goddess State

Simple to Advanced Psychic Seduction Techniques Sessions (Week 9)

►Top Secret psychic seduction techniques to choose from.

(I reveal all exclusive techniques that are no where to found online)

Key Secrets to a Master Psychic Seduction Practitioner (Weeks 10, 11, and 12).

►Basics of Developing A Psychic Dynamic With Your Target

►Developing Powerful Psychic Dynamics That The Target Cannot Resist (secret)

►Secret Tips To Lead The Connection To Full Blown Oneness,soul to soul connection(Divine Union)

►Secrets to Remote View and have Telepathic Conversations with the Target (Exclusive*)

This program will heal the psychic trauma that you have.

It will develop your chakra system to a level where you will be powerful not only as as psychic seduction master practitioner but you will become a cosmic soul.

It will open the storehouse of your soul's potential. 

It will give you the keys to open every soul that you choose to love in this lifetime and have them obsess over you forever (if you don't mess things up, which I will teach you(No BS)).

This course is fascinating and transformative in all levels of your being!

Not only will you learn to become magnetic to the point where the opposite sex finds you irresistible, but you'll also deepen your understanding of the cosmos and how souls connect and fall in love in higher dimensions before they have something in this 3rd dimension.


► Top Secrets about the modern dating game and how to master it.

► Unlimited support during the program.

►Free sacred information about cosmic consciousness,the mind and sex.

►free access to me for 6 months after the program ends.

You can book a call with me via [email protected] to see if we are a match..


Tomas 🧔